Unless otherwise noted, these items will need to be picked up from the farm during your stay or by appointment. Feel free to contact us for more information or to place an order.
Peacock Feathers $10 per bundle (10-15 feathers )
Mountain Minor DVD $15
Mountain Minor Soundtrack $15
Farm Fresh Book $5
We occasionally have poultry and other farm products for sale as well. Please inquire if interested.
Indian Runner Ducks
These are extremely amusing ducks that don't need a pond, but run around like clowns on the ground, and enjoy a baby pool of water. Lots of personality. And they do well as a group--the more the better. Prolific egg layers. happy happy happy Unavailable at this time
Peachicks for sale
Offering 2 pied peachicks for $85 ea., or take both for $160. Hatched June 29, 2018 and ready to be rehomed and let free range, etc... These are offspring from a white peahen and a blue peacock (also pictured but not for sale) that also carries a white gene. No idea what sex they are SOLD
Red Bourbon Turkeys
These heritage breed turkeys are great layers and mild-mannered and make an excellent addition to your barnyard or holiday feast. They are happy, healthy turkeys that will be great for raising, eating, or just adding to the farm menagerie. Tom available: call or message for pricing
guinea Fowl
These amusing birds are great for bug control and consider ticks a delicacy. They also make great "watch dogs" for your flock of chickens. Guinea fowl will alert the flock when a hawk flies over, for example, or when a predator comes near, or even when guests arrive at the house. A guinea hen’s eggs are prized for their richness and depth of flavor and are used by top pastry chefs for baking cakes and other dessert dishes. Some people eat guineas and tell me the meat is somewhere between chicken and turkey, but we find them too valuable to eat. Our flock is nearly all pearl with a little white mixed in to give us some pied birds. NONE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME
Rainbow Trout
We offer fresh trout from the farm pond ....
Serama Banty Chickens
World’s smallest breed of chicken, the Serama banties have an amazing amount of pluck. They are so cute! They make a great barnyard chicken as they lay regularly (darling little eggs!), and they brood and make great mothers. Call or email for pricing.
We have an abundance of well-seasoned assorted hardwoods ready to burn immediately. Pick up any quantity, large or small, at the right price. Our split and stacked wood was cut to 18"-20", but we'll be glad to take custom orders for the perfect length or mix. Got a fire pit? Pick up a load of 24" cull wood. Bulky less-seasoned wood for water stove also available. Easy access.
BBQ Smoking Chips
Appalachian Apple and Wild Cherry $7 per box. This item can be shipped upon request.