“This was the best week of my life”
said one 4-year-old guest, speaking for most of the children who have experienced our farm and fallen in love with country life. Indeed, what we hear time and time again is that Willet Ponds Farm is the perfect vacation spot for any animal lover or country romantic who needs a break from the suburbs or the city. Who knew an educational field trip could be so fun!
Staying here is all about the farm, the natural environment, and the peaceful, enriching experience your family will have here. Treat yourself to the simple joys of life and discover why we have an extremely high guest return rate. Wake to the rooster’s crow and join us in feeding our diverse flock of poultry. Gathering eggs is always a big hit with the kids. We invite daily interaction with our farm animal favorites: Josephine the pot-bellied pig, Penelope the long-eared donkey, the horses and our very friendly dogs.